Why Is My Cockapoo Shaking?

It’s not unusual for Cockapoos to tremble, shake, or shiver when they’re cold, in discomfort or when they get wet; some will even shiver and shake when it’s bath time. 

For example, my Cockapoo Luna shakes like crazy when she hears fireworks. Seeing your dog shivering and shaking with fear like this is incredibly difficult to accept. After discussing the situation with our vet, we decided to give Luna some special calming tablets; the tablets help and seem to help calm her nerves.

It is not uncommon for dogs to shake unnecessarily, but sometimes it may be a sign of distress. What causes a dog to shiver and shake,  and should you be worried? What can you do to help your Cockapoo?

Here are six of the most common reasons why your Cockapoo is shaking and shivering and what you can do to comfort them. 

Cold Weather

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While Cockapoos can have different coat types, they all tend to be long; however, even a Cockapoo will feel the cold and shiver when cold.  Muscles in your dog’s body contract and relax during shivering, which helps to generate heat and raise the dog’s temperature.

Consider reducing your Cockapoo’s exposure if they don’t do well in extreme cold. In addition, you might want to consider a dog sweater or coat that can help alleviate shivering. 

When it’s freezing weather, give your dog a comfortable place to curl up on a dog bed without any draughts and with a nice blanket.

If you and your dog are out for a lengthy walk and thoroughly drenched, take your Cockapoo home as soon as possible and dry them off. Ensure the room is nice and warm so the dog’s body temperature returns to normal. 

It’s never a good idea to let a wet dog dry off naturally, even in hot weather. For the dog’s sake, you’re better towelling them dry. 


Cockapoos might tremble or shake if they are experiencing strong emotions.

For example, should you notice that your dog’s trembling increases and decreases only in specific settings (such as visits to the vet, when visitors call, or during walks). In that case, your dog is likely shaking due to some emotional trigger. When they calm down, they’ll stop shivering, so there is no danger to your dog.

When we drive Luna in the car to the field for exercise, she starts to shake as soon as she realises where she’s going and can’t control her excitement.

However, if the behaviour worsens, you should get some help teaching your dog to relax, even if excitement is causing the shaking rather than fear.

Fear, Or Anxiety

If anxiety, stress, or fear causes your dog to shiver, it’s still emotional, and while the shivering will stop once the emotion passes, in the long run, stress is terrible for your Cockapoo, the same way it’s awful for us.

Remove the source of the worry from your dog, if feasible, and try to reassure them. Consider introducing therapeutic toys or muting the sound of thunder if your dog is prone to shaking during storms.

Try to refocus their attention whenever you see your Cockapoo shaking because they are unhappy about something around them. On the other hand, dogs are highly empathetic; if you’re frightened, anxious, or afraid, they’ll mirror your feelings.

When you remain calm and disregard a stressful situation going on around you, your dog may very well pick up on it and learn that it’s no reason for them to be stressed, either.

Attention Seeking

Cockapoos are intelligent dogs, and it doesn’t take long to grasp what’s going on in certain situations. For example, your dog might learn that when they shiver and shake, you rush to comfort them; that way, your dog gets more of your attention. 

I also don’t put it past some exceptionally smart Cockapoos to start shivering when begging for food. This ability offers them a better chance of “persuading” you to part with the desperately needed treat you may or may not be giving away.

However difficult to resist, and let’s face it, who can refuse their Cockapoo, behaviourists suggest it’s not good to encourage this behaviour.

Elderly Cockapoos

Older dogs can exhibit shaking or tremors because their muscles are not as strong as they once were. However, it could also be a sign they have arthritis or joint pain; if you have arthritis or joint pain yourself, you know how difficult it can be getting up and down out of a chair, for instance.

It would be a good idea for you to pay a visit to the vet and have your senior Cockapoo thoroughly checked over.

The Sick Cockapoo

It’s also possible that your dog’s shivering indicates discomfort or disease.

 In addition to more normal conditions like an upset stomach, severe disorders such as hypoglycemia, Addison’s disease, and inflammatory brain disease can cause shivering and muscular tremors.

Some of the other medical conditions that can cause your dog to shake include:

  • Distemper
  • Pain
  • Epilepsy
  • Muscle weakness
  • Nausea
  • Ear infections
  • Possible poisoning

Poisoning can often be a genuine concern. Several innocuous home products can be toxic to dogs if they ingest any of these substances. For example:

  • Xylitol – a type of sweetener found in numerous products in the home, chewing gum springs to mind
  • Chocolate is another toxic substance that often gets left lying around
  • Mouldy food or bread
  • Old cigarettes
  • Certain types of nuts (macadamia)

Shaking or shivering for no apparent reason could be something to be concerned about. Generalised tremor syndrome, commonly known as shaker syndrome, is a long-term, debilitating illness you need to alleviate with medication.

Pay particular attention to any other symptoms of illness or injury. Contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog’s shivering is accompanied by strange behaviour or if it seems out of character for your pet.

Shaking vs Seizures

Dogs experiencing normal shivering and shaking are very different from dogs experiencing seizures, in which the dog loses mobility and awareness of its environment. 

Whenever you fear your dog is experiencing a seizure, rush them to the emergency vet as soon as possible.

Is Your Cockapoo back legs shaking?

Are your cockapoo back legs shaking? If your cockapoo’s back legs are shaking, then it could be that they are experiencing some discomfort. If they are old and it’s just started happening, then take them to the vet to check for any knee or arthritis issues.

Why Is My Cockapoo Shaking Its Head?

Cockapoo shaking head. If your cockapoo is shaking its head, something likely irritates them. This is likely to relieve some itchiness or irritation on their skin. It could also be that something is stuck down their ear canal, such as a grass seed. If you can’t see anything obvious, take them to the vet to check out.


The majority of reasons for shivering in dogs are pretty innocuous. However, if you’re concerned and still asking yourself, “Why is my Cockapoo shaking?” you should contact your veterinarian for a quick chat. 

They can discuss the reason for your Cockapoo’s shivering and shake and discover whether there is a more significant problem. Even if nothing is wrong, seeing a veterinarian will give you much-needed peace of mind.