Why Do Cockapoo Noses Change Colour?

The classic saying about dog noses is one that most people have heard at some point or other. It’s a sign of an illness if your dog’s nose is dry. While this isn’t always the case, you can learn much about your Cockapoo by checking out its nose.

Some Cockapoo owners might be worried about a change in their dog’s nose colour. These changes, often referred to as depigmentation might occur quite rapidly. The changed colour may be permanent in some circumstances. What’s causing it, exactly?

Your Cockapoo’s nose changing colour could be due to various factors. Sometimes, it’s a simple adjustment; in other cases, it could signify something more serious. Here are a few explanations for why your Cockapoo’s nose colour has changed.

Winter Or Snow Nose

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In the past, snow nose was assumed to solely affect dogs who lived in cold climates; however, this is not the case. Dog owners need to be aware of the distinction between snow noses and more serious colour changes in their pets.

What Is Snow Nose in Cockapoos?

When a Cockapoo’s nose goes from black to a pink or brown colour, it’s known as a “snow nose.” Old beliefs held that this only happens in the winter months when there is snow; however, contrary to popular belief, dogs that don’t live in cold environments may also have this nose colour change.

Cockapoos with snow noses, also known as hypopigmentation of the nose or vitiligo, may see their ordinarily black or brown nose turn pink or dark brown, or vice versa. In most cases, this is not a health issue, and it doesn’t trouble the dog; however, it does trouble the owners because it’s a matter of appearance.

Signs of Snow Nose in Cockapoos

If you notice any change in your Cockapoo’s nose colour, that’s your only clue that they might have a snow nose. Although this colour change can be permanent, the nose usually returns to its original colour. Some dogs get snow noses every round; however, snow nose doesn’t affect the nose texture. 

What Causes Snow Nose in Cockapoos?

Snow nose may or may not be caused only by the cold, but no one knows. Changes in the weather, the amount of sunlight, and an enzyme called tyrosinase ( which makes melanin), may all contribute. However, the experts haven’t researched the source of the nose’s pigmentation changes.

There may be a hereditary component to the development of a snow nose, as it has been observed more frequently in some breeds than others. You will see snow noses more often in Siberian huskies, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, and Bernese Mountain dogs, but it can happen to any dog breed, including your Cockapoo.

Is There A Treatment For Snow Nose?

No treatment exists because no one knows what causes snow nose, but fortunately, no treatment is required. The appearance of a snow nose is only aesthetic, and it will likely return to its original colour in time.

What Other Issues Can Affect Your Cockapoo’s Nose

Cockapoo’s Age

As a dog ages, the colour of its nose may vary. Many puppies are born with noses tinged with the colour of their skin. It will become the typical black nose as they get older. A dark brown nose or one that matches the colour of the dog’s coat can also be found in various breeds.

Most importantly, your dog’s nose colour will remain the same as an adult’s. That is until they reach their senior years.

Tyrosinase, the enzyme responsible for ageing-related depigmentation, may be blamed; senior dogs tend to have weaker enzymes. From a dark black, you might see a little brown tint. Some dogs have noses that turn pink as they age. There is nothing to worry about in this situation. It’s similar to how humans go grey as they get into their senior years.


Vitiligo causes pigmentation problems that affect the entire body; it’s a disease that affects humans and dogs. Vitiligo is an autoimmune illness; therefore, you should speak with your veterinarian about available treatment options.

You may also see pink patches of skin or white hair in addition to the depigmentation of the nose. Even though it can affect any dog breed, including Cockapoos,  Rottweilers are particularly susceptible.

Reaction To Plastics

If you use a plastic dish for your dog’s water, that can sometimes cause problems; some dogs have been known to have issues with plastic water dishes. 

Because of the plastic dish’s chemical composition, nasal dermatitis can develop. Hydroquinone p-benzyl is the specific source of the problem.

You might recognise the name of the chemical, mainly if you use skin-lightening creams and bleaching agents because they also contain hydroquinone. 

The plastic releases the chemical and mixes with your dog’s water supply. Every time the dog goes in for a drink, they expose themselves to it again.

The natural pigment melanin, which gives your dog’s nose its distinctive colour, interacts with the chemical as it is absorbed into the skin.

Replacing your dog’s plastic water dish with a stainless steel one will positively affect the colour of your dog’s nose and may revert to normal over time.

Immune Disorders

Vitiligo is one of several immune disorders that could impair your dog’s health. A visit to a veterinarian is essential if your dog is showing signs of illness. They’ll be able to do diagnostic tests and determine what’s wrong.

Depigmentation of the nose is only one of many signs that your dog may suffer from one of these diseases.

Pemphigus foliaceous is one of these disorders. Scaly or crusty skin is a common sign of this condition; you will see it around the nose and ears. Problems with keratinocytes in the epidermis are to blame for many of the dog’s skin ailments; however, taking your Cockapoo to the vet will treat the issue effectively.

Skin Problems

Scabs and crusty skin can develop as a result of cuts and scrapes. In most cases, this is followed by a gradual change in colour as the injury heals.

Your dog’s regular skin colour should recover, depending on the degree of the damage. Significant scarring, on the other hand, may be irreversible.

Infections can also be a cause of the problem. If your dog gets a skin or nose illness, you can anticipate your Cockapoo will lose some pigmentations. Infections generally cause swelling and pain around the site of the infection; to prevent an infection from spreading, you should get medical attention for your dog as soon as possible.

When a dog is allergic to something, it might cause an unpleasant reaction to its nose. Because dogs are always into things with their noses, they can end up with an allergic reaction from something they’ve poked their nose into; this condition is called contact dermatitis. Once you remove the cause of the response, the problem usually subsides after a short time. 

Final Thoughts

As you have read, there can be several reasons why your Cockapoo’s nose might change colour. Most of these issues are not something you need to worry yourself over; however, it’s helpful to be forewarned.