How to Stop Your Cockapoo Digging

Cockapoo Keeps Digging

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Even the sweet, innocent look on your Cockapoo’s face isn’t going to calm you down when you see that his digging has ruined your garden again. Some dogs dig more than others, and some might suddenly start this annoying habit after having never shown any interest in digging.

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This can make your garden look messy, but it will also mean that they are tramping dirt into the house. Overall, it is the kind of habit we want our Cockapoos to stop doing in any way we can.

Before looking at possible solutions to the question “do cockapoos dig” it is essential to understand why they are doing this in the first place. There are several possible reasons for this that you need to think about.

Why Do Cockapoos Dig?

  • Anxiety or stress. If your Cockapoo is going through a difficult time, then digging may be his way of dealing with it. This is a likely cause if your cockapoo has moved house lately, there is a new pet in the home, or they are dealing with some other major upheaval.
  • One of the biggest issues with Cockapoos is that they get bored easily. If they spend too much time in the house or garden, cockapoo digging is possible. If they dig when left alone, this is the first reason you should consider.
  • Similar to the last point, if your cockapoo is alone in the garden for a long time, it may find that digging helps them forget its loneliness. Cockapoos are friendly and sociable dogs, so if you notice that he is alone in the garden, this could be the cause of the problem.
  • Other breeds of dogs will tend to dig holes for instinct, especially those with a history of hunting dogs. This isn’t so common a reason with Cockapoos, but if you can’t find a specific cause for his digging, then you might have to chalk it down to pure instinct.
  • To hide food and toys. Another possibility is that they want to hide some food and toys for later. If it is food that they are hiding in holes, try giving them less with each meal so that there is nothing left over for them to try and hide away. Your cockapoo may also do this if they fear another dog taking his food, so making each dog eat alone can solve the problem.
  • To cool down. Some dogs will dig on very hot days to look for cooler soil to lie on top of. This is a possible cause if you notice that they dig relatively shallow holes that they can fit into when it is hot.

There you have it. That’s some reasons to answer the question why do cockapoos dig.

What Are the Possible Solutions For Cockapoo Digging?

The best solution usually becomes evident once we understand why your cockapoo puppy digging in the first place. For example, if your dog is trying to hide leftover food, giving them less food could solve it.

However, there are other, more general solutions to think about.

  • Give your cockapoo an area to dig. If you are happy for them to dig in a specific part of the garden, why not let them go? You just need to ensure your dog is in the right spot and can’t get access anywhere else where we could cause damage.
  • Pave the garden. It might seem like a drastic solution, but putting down paving or decking will ensure that they can’t dig like before. The downside to this is that if you don’t deal with the underlying cause, then your cockapoo might start on some other sort of destructive behaviour instead.
  • Keep them company. Do you often leave your cockapoo alone out in the garden? If you do, then it may be that your cockapoo just needs some more company. Try playing outside and discouraging them from digging if they try to start.
  • Train your cockapoo. This could be an opportunity for you to give your dog some extra training sessions. There are several ways of doing this, such as using positive reinforcement techniques. If you don’t feel comfortable with this, why not look for a dog training expert to do it for you? With this approach, you get the satisfaction of knowing that they are learning how to behave better.
  • Don’t leave them in the garden alone. This is the same sort of idea as paving over the garden, and it has the same sort of risks. If your dog has always had the freedom to wander into the garden, you could simply try closing the doors. Some dogs will accept this lifestyle change, but others may get upset.
  • Put chicken wire in the holes. Another interesting tactic that has been successful in some houses is putting chicken wire in the holes your dog digs. It seems that dogs don’t like the feel of this material and may stop their digging habit due to finding it in their holes.

Summary of Cockapoo Digging

We hope we have helped you answer the question “why do cockapoos dig” and given you something to work with. No one wants to see their garden ruined by a dog that won’t stop digging. At first, this might seem like an impossible problem to solve, but the truth is that there are some simple solutions that you can try.

To get started, you need to spend some time thinking about why they are doing this. There is a good chance you will find a fairly obvious reason once you do that.

Next, you can choose from the list of potential solutions to get them to stop. Of course, you might need to try one or more solutions until you successfully get your dog to stop digging.

Check out some of our other cockapoo training articles:

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