I know what you are thinking. What a weird title for an article on a dog website.
Well, let me tell you, as a cockapoo owner you are going to have to clean your dogs bum at some point, You may have already been there, your cockapoo goes outside to do his business. He comes inside and starts to scoot his bum across the floor. It looks funny, but its obviously causing them some distress and it may stain your carpets! Luckily, we have a wooden floor but if we see her scooting her bum there are a few steps we do.
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Use A Poo Bag
If you are outside on a walk then using a poo bag is the best thing you can do. Get this and try and remove any larger pieces that are sticking out. You will have to put your hand inside the poo bag and grab at it. Its not nice, but it has to be done.
If you are at home, you could also use a poo bag, or maybe a pair of old rubber or latex gloves from under the sink.

We prefer using the poo bag, as its cheaper, easier and can be binned afterwards.
If you are out on a walk you may have to wait until you get home to do this. Once you are hope get some wipes like these ones, but if you don’t have these in then just wet a few pieces of kitchen roll to use as a wipe.

We quickly lift up Luna’s tail, who somehow doesn’t try to run away, its as if she knows we are helping her. She lets us give it a quick wipe.
Bath Your Cockapoo
If it’s still a bit of a mess near her bum then the only thing left for me to do is throw her in the bath and give her a good soak. The last thing you want is to leave bits of dry poo on your dogs bum as these will only transfer onto your carpet, furniture and where ever else. For peace of mind, just give them a bath. Get your best dog shampoo out and use it on them with special attention given to the bum.

Give Them A Trim
Even after a bath, you might still have some bits stuck in, that’s fine, you can still get it out by giving it a trim.
The hair around the bum will grow quite fast, and if your cockapoo goes for a poo at a slightly funny angle then there’s a chance its going to get stuck.
Trimming your dogs bum hair is hard and Luna is not a fan of it, but who would be a fan of being trimmed in a sensitive area.
We do kind of make a bit of a hash job of trimming her bum, but no ones going to notice and you end up with a happy dog and clean furniture.
Why It Seems To Happen To My Dog
The number one cause of this is my wife’s hair. You may think that’s strange, but she has really long hair that does end up everywhere. Now and again her hair will find its way onto one of Lunas ball or toys, that goes into Luna’s mouth and she ends up swallowing a big hair without realising. This is no one’s fault and it can’t really be avoided.
Has Their Diet Changed

Another reason could be that their diet has changed which means that their stools are a bit looser than usual. This then makes it run down their bum rather than coming out as solid as usual. Maybe change them back to their old dog food, or check out some advice online about which is the best food for your dog.
Always Be Prepared
When out on your walk always have a few extra poo bags that can be used to pick off any stray poo or that can be used as an emergency wipe. I actually carry a full-on roll with me at most times just in case.
Mike is the proud owner of a 7-year-old Cockapoo named Luna. He loves to share stories, tips and information about owning a Cockapoo. With over7 years of experience as an owner, Mike is passionate about helping others own and care for their dog.
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