The raw dog food for cockapoo food diet has become very popular over the last few years. Experts are still not conclusive whether this can be harmful because of the bacteria and parasites in raw meat products. There are two sides to the raw food argument, and it’s challenging to know which to believe. You must decide what you think is best for your Cockapoo as they grow into adulthood, watching and studying them closely.

The cons of Cockapoo Raw Food Diet
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Many experts have warned against including raw and undercooked meats in pet food. Explaining the potential for illness for both the pet and owners. A paper published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) Veterinary Record. “Zoonotic bacteria and parasites found in raw meat-based diets for cats and dogs. This study analysed 35 frozen pet-food products. E. coli bacteria was found in 40% of the samples, and 23% contained a hazardous type of E.coli. A high percentage also contained listeria and salmonella bacteria.
They also discovered a small percentage of potentially harmful parasites. Another health concern with cockapoo raw diet raw diets is the possibility of your Cockapoo getting fractured teeth or gastrointestinal obstruction from ingesting bones. Ways to reduce this risk would be to supervise your Cockapoo as they eat. Allow them to chew on large bones but prevent ingestion of dangerous pieces by taking the bone away from them when it gets small. Or you could only feed bones ground into tiny pieces. More is explained regarding this further down the article.
The Pros of Cockapoo Raw Food Diet
The proponents of raw feeding believe there is evidence to support the idea that feeding your Cockapoo raw diet can be more beneficial and safer for your natural meat-eating pet. This is when compared to a commercial dry food diet that most owners choose to feed their Cockapoos. Some proponents of this diet believe that kibble may be putting your dog at risk of a fatal heart condition and a cockapoo raw diet raw diet is beneficial in preventing health conditions.

Before the popularity and invention of commercial pet food, dogs ate table scraps from their human companions or anything they could scavenge or kill in the wild. There was no such thing as a tinned or processed dog or dry food. Some physical benefits of a raw dog food diet have been said to provide:
- Cleaner teeth and fresher breath.
- Better weight control.
- Improved digestion.
- Shinier, healthier skin and coat.
- Harder, smaller, less smelly stools.
- Increased mobility in older animals due to the better nutritional value of raw feed
- More energy and stamina
- The strengthened immune system improved liver, pancreatic and bowel health.
In turn, this will mean savings due to fewer trips to the vet.
Many tests done on raw feed benefits could be seen as biased. However, a recent study in the “Journal of Animal Science” compared the impact of four foods, one of which was a raw diet. It showed great results on intestinal microbes (Microbes are tiny forms of life that surround us, some microbes make the host sick, and some are important for health.)
The study is limited and shows only a few benefits, but it’s essential in many pieces of evidence that encourage raw feeding. The study found that the raw food led to the following:
- Higher gut acidity is good for getting rid of germs or pathogens in the body.
- Higher faecal ammonia concentration means more ammonia is being removed in the faeces rather than being processed by the kidneys, which means less stress is being put on your dog’s kidneys.
- Higher faecal acetate concentration means better digestion of insoluble fibres for fuel for your dog.
“Honeys” is found at: Provide a full raw feed diet service. They are a small, ethical, working dog food company. They can make feeding a raw or ‘natural’ diet easy for you and your Cockapoo. All their dog food (made using completely fresh ingredients that are also suitable for human consumption) is raw because that is what is best for dogs, in their opinion. It has been created for working dogs because the diet is especially critical to their performance, although it can be fed to any dog with excellent results.

There is growing evidence that dogs live longer, healthier and happier lives if they eat the same sort of diet they enjoy in the wild. Dogs and their wolf cousins have been eating raw food for over a million years, and they thrive on it. The health benefits are massive and proven. A cockapoo raw food diet could make a huge difference if your dog has any health issues. These are all statements backed up by “Honeys”
If you want to experiment with a cockapoo raw food diet or don’t want to go to a company for your Cockapoo’s food, there are many cockapoo raw food recipes you can prepare at home. You can prepare the meals and store them in the freezer for future serving. Or in the fridge for a few hours before serving. The following recipes are approximate percentages of weight you can use. For example, if you’re making a total of 1kg of food, 50% would be 500g etc.
When you’re feeding a diet full of variety, with meaty bones, a few times a week, don’t get too caught up on exact amounts. If you try to stay within these ranges, your Cockapoo’s food will be well-balanced. The meats, for example, chicken thighs, should be boneless. The recipes below include bone, so you don’t want to use bone-in meats and up the calcium content too much for your Cockapoo.
This is one of the easiest meals to prepare. It’s very healthy for **older dogs.**
Best Raw Dog Food for Cockapoo
Recipe 1: Ingredients For Raw food For Cockapoo
- 35% – 50% **raw** chicken thighs or breasts
- 10% – 30% **raw** chicken hearts and liver
- 12% – 15% **raw** ground chicken bone
- 5% raw or lightly boiled chicken eggs
- 5% – 20% organic carrots
- 5% – 20% organic green beans (you can purée the vegetables for easier digestion)
Fish is a good source of omega-3, which is important for immune and brain health as well as joints and skin.
Recipe 2: Ingredients For Raw food For Cockapoo
- 12% – 15% bone-in **raw** chicken and turkey (ground or whole)
- 35% – 50% mackerel or other oily fish (make sure its boneless fish)
- 10% – 30% **raw** chicken and turkey hearts and liver
- 5% lightly boiled chicken eggs
- 5% – 10% organic spinach
- 5% – 10% organic broccoli (again, you can purée the vegetables for easier digestion)
Suppose you’re wondering how much to give your Cockapoo. That depends on several factors, including weight, age and activity level. To start, feed your Cockapoo about one to three per cent of its ideal weight. So, if your dog’s ideal weight is 50 lbs, one pound of food daily (or a little more) is good. A Cockapoo’s ideal weight is about 12 to 24 pounds (5.4 to 10.9 kg).

But keep an eye out if your Cockapoo is active, which we know isn’t abnormal. You may want to give them a little more. Or if your Cockapoo enjoys relaxing and cuddling more than running around, you may want to feed a bit less. Keep a close eye on their weight and health throughout the raw feeding process. If your Cockapoo starts to gain or lose weight, adjust your feeding amount accordingly. And don’t forget that puppies always need more. Puppies should be fed two to three per cent of their ideal adult weight.
You need to be feeding for your Cockapoo puppy’s future weight, not their current weight. Puppies also need a lot of calcium to help the development of strong teeth and bones as they grow. So you can also give them a few extra raw consumable bones to chew on periodically during the week.
Final Thoughts on The Cockapoo Raw Food Diet
To conclude, it’s still debatable whether the cockapoo raw food diet is the best thing to do. It’s up to you and what works best for your Cockapoo. Keep a close eye on your pooch; perhaps make the decision with your vet and get a few different opinions. It may not be the right choice for some dogs, and that’s okay. There is evidence supporting both sides of the argument.
Mike is the proud owner of a 7-year-old Cockapoo named Luna. He loves to share stories, tips and information about owning a Cockapoo. With over7 years of experience as an owner, Mike is passionate about helping others own and care for their dog.
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