Cockapoos and Pugs are both lovely, cute types of dogs. You can probably imagine either of these breeds being a part of your family reasonably quickly.
However, there are a few points that you should know about before you make your decision on which one is best for your home.
The following are some of the main issues you will want to consider before getting a new dog. We have weighed the pros and cons of both breeds for each of these points.

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Maintenance Issues
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The opinion is somewhat divided over this issue on the internet and among owners. If you do some research online, you will likely find people coming down on both sides of the debate.
One of the first things to bear in mind here is that a Cockapoo will need a bit of grooming time from you to keep his hair nice and clean and stop it from getting matted. This isn’t likely a tremendous job, but it is worth considering.
While Pugs don’t risk getting matted hair like Cockapoos, they do have other issues you need to know about. For a start, you will need to clean their facial folds regularly. How often you do this will depend upon the individual dog.
You will also need to groom a Pug, although in this case, it is to try and help reduce the number of hairs they shed around the house rather than because of the risk of matting. In addition, you will probably need to cut his nails fairly regularly too.
Amount of Shedding
As mentioned earlier, Pugs are heavy shedders. If you have someone at home who is allergic to dogs – or if you simply don’t want a lot of hairs lying around – this isn’t the best choice of dog for you.
When it comes to Cockapoos, they are light shedders who shouldn’t cause you too many problems in this respect. Each dog is different, so it is worth checking out his coat and asking the breeder for his opinion.
If the amount of hairs around the house is likely to be an issue for you then a Cockapoo is the best choice.
Getting Him Trained
This is another point in which the Cockapoo wins out for most people. These dogs are reasonably easy to train, so before too long, you should have him behaving well and doing what he is told.
Pugs are more challenging to train, with some having a stubborn streak that makes life more difficult for their owners. Indeed, house training a Pug can take up to a year for someone who isn’t a particularly experienced dog owner.
In either case, getting professional help in making your new dog more obedient is always a good idea, especially if he joins your family as a young pup.
As a Watchdog
To be fair, neither of these dogs will defend you against an intruder. They are cute and lovable little creatures rather than fierce guard dogs.
Either breed can make a good watchdog, as they will bark to let you know if they identify any strangers around the house. The Pug has a slightly stronger reputation in this respect, but there isn’t much in it.

Getting Enough Exercise
If you want a dog that you can go out for runs and walks with then the Cockapoo wins, hands down. Alternatively, if you want a companion dog that doesn’t need much exercise, you may be tempted to go for a Pug instead.
A Cockapoo will need a lot more exercise than a Pug, which is more of an indoor dog. This is arguably the most important point, as you need to find a dog who will fit in with your lifestyle and enjoy life the same way as your family.
How Well They Adapt
This is another issue where the Cockapoo wins out. These are highly adoptable dogs that can get used to just about home and lifestyle.
On the other hand, Pugs have to be in a certain type of situation. For example, they can’t stand too much heat and humidity.
Another example comes when you are looking for a dog that can be left alone at home for a while. A Cockapoo might not like this, but he will probably adapt, while a Pug will never get to grips with being left alone.
Suitability for New Owners
Cockapoos are excellent dogs for new owners who are learning to deal with a pooch in their family. Since they don’t need a huge amount of training or maintenance, you can look to learn everything you need to know as you go along. If you are worried about drool, then a cockapoo won’t drool as much as a pug.
However, Pugs benefit from having an experienced owner who knows how to handle them. Someone can get a Pug as their first-ever dog, but it would be a fairly difficult way to get started.
Suitability for Families with Children
Both dogs are good with children and can bring a lot of joy to your family over the years. The key to making the right choice lies in finding the right breed for the personalities and lifestyles present in your home.
If you have active kids who love to get out for a bit of rough and tumble, then a Cockapoo will be far better for them. If they are gentler and spend a lot of time indoors, a cute Pug could be perfect.
By considering your family’s needs and wants, you can make a smart choice and end up with a dog who becomes a huge part of the family for years to come. Every household is different so take some time to think about what you want before you make any decisions.
If you are after dogs that are more similar to the Cockapoo, then have a look at these guides:
Mike is the proud owner of a 7-year-old Cockapoo named Luna. He loves to share stories, tips and information about owning a Cockapoo. With over7 years of experience as an owner, Mike is passionate about helping others own and care for their dog.
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