When do cockapoos calm down? That’s a fair enough question, but why would you want your cockapoo to calm down? A dog’s craziness makes him unique, no matter how old he gets. If by calming down, you mean getting past the puppy and terrible teen phase where he chews everything, nips, jumps and is just downright rebellious, you’ll be pleased to know it will happen when he reaches adulthood. So, when do cockapoo puppies get easier?
The above graphic gives a rough indication of what age cockapoos calm down and the cockapoo growth stages. They will go through the screaming dinosaur picture you see in the middle.
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When do Cockapoo puppies calm down? Just like kids, cockapoos (and other puppies) go through different phases, like the terrible two’s (two months for pups as opposed to two years for kids. this is known as cockapoo adolescence age), the fours (yes, four months for dogs and four years for kids) and the terrible teens. But they all grow up and calm down. For dogs, this can be between one and two years, although a cockapoo can start getting its adult coat as early as eight months.
Timing and Training
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So the good news is your cockapoo will calm down as he gets older, but the not-so-great news is that it will not just happen without training. As his parents, you will need to put in the time and energy to teach him some of the basic commands and expose him to all sorts of new experiences. Dogs thrive in pack settings, and if he feels like he’s a part of a loving family, it’ll make him feel safer, which means he’ll feel at ease and calm.
An Older Cockapoo is a Calmer Cockapoo
As your cockapoo gets older, from about seven years, he might start experiencing age-related issues, but somewhere between his puppy years, the terrible teens and “old age” are his (and your) best years. While he might not be stealing shoes, toys and other valuable items, he has enough energy for walks, playtime and other fun activities. If you notice that he doesn’t have as much energy as normal or is more listless, there’s a good chance he’s not feeling well.
How to Calm Your Cockapoo Down Naturally
I saw the question recently, “how to raise a calm cockapoo?” Dogs, just like people, have their personalities and energy levels. While one cockapoo might like hanging out on the sofa, another will go stir-crazy if he’s stuck indoors for too long. Here are a few ways for you to calm your cockapoo down naturally.
Long walks
One of the easiest and most convenient ways how to raise a calm cockapoo and get rid of pent-up energy is to take your pup for a walk, keeping in mind we don’t mean a quick walk around the block. For a walk to take its toll, it needs to be an hour or more; if you can, a run is even better.
Dogs love to play, and you can burn up some of their cockapoo energy level with a game of fetch or hide and seek. Cockapoos need mental stimulation as much as they need to be active, so hide treats around the house and let him find them. Treat-dispensing toys are a great idea, as are snuffle mats.
If your cockapoo enjoys it, why not invite a furry friend over for a playdate or take him to a dog park? It helps if he’s socialised, which is where you come in as a responsible pet owner.
Doggy daycare
If your pup is alone at home for hours on end during the day, you might want to consider doggy daycare. He can get rid of all that cockapoo energy level while you’re at work, and the two of you can relax when you’re home. Daycare facilities are quite flexible, and if every day isn’t an option, you can ask about two or three days a week. My dog, Luna, goes to daycare one day a week. It used to be twice when she was younger but now shes calmer she goes just one day a week.
Some cockapoos stay young at heart regardless of age, but if you feel like your dog isn’t as calm as he could be, make sure he’s getting enough physical activity and mental stimulation. A bored pup is usually a destructive one.
What owners say
Seth from London
A possibility is taking your dog for longer walks. If our dog is not walked enough, she needs constant attention from us, never settles and digs large holes in our garden. She has a long two-hour walk during the day and gets to play with many other dogs at daycare, and then in the evening, she gets walked for an hour. Playing is important for our cockapoo because she needs mental stimulation and can burn up a lot of energy if she is running around playing with dogs and humans. My wife was always asking when do cockapoo puppies get easier, and I, was also asking this at times.
Our cockapoo needs to be walked for at least one hour for the walk to affect the dog, and we try to run sometimes with our dog. He is very energetic and fit, so she could still be walked and exercised more even with that amount of exercise.
There is a possibility that your dog could be misbehaving or acting excited because he or she is going through their equivalent to their teenage years if the dog is about six months. We are currently going through that with our dog. You can still help in getting your dog to calm down, even if he might have to grow out of it.
Timothy from Newcastle
I kept wondering when do cockapoos calm down! I can say that Doggy day care helps. He gets long walks and mental stimulation while I am at work, so he is calmer when I come to pick him up after work. Our cockapoo gets to play with other dogs and is actively social, which helps calm him down and will calm your dog down. Most facilities are open in a flexible way, so you should at least be able to use a doggy day care two or three days a week.
As well as making sure your dog is mentally stimulated, he will need to be kept active and exercised well, so we walk him for an hour and three quarters in the evening. During the weekend, we like to walk him three times a day for shorter periods. If our dog is bored, he will get destructive, so keep your cockapoo occupied, and he will not get bored and break stuff, and make sure he gets enough exercise, so he does not have too much energy and bothers you.
Jeff from Lincoln
Are cockapoos calm is something I never researched before getting my dog. It could help if your dog has a dog to play with. You could invite a furry friend over, and your dog will have someone to exercise, mentally stimulate and socialise with, or take your dog to daycare. If that is not possible, you can play with your dog more. Hide and seek is good for my dog, as well as fetch. A dog can burn a lot of energy that way. Hiding treats around the house could help as well as treat-dispensing toys and snuffle mats. Another thing you could do is take your cockapoo to a dog park where he will meet other dogs and can socialise with them, as well as run about and get some exercise. If someone asked me, “what age do cockapoos calm down” for us, I would say we noticed the difference from 15 months.
Exercise has been important in calming our dog down. My top tip of how to calm a cockapoo puppy is to give him plenty of exercises and keep him mentally stimulated, and he should calm down over time. Try walking, or even running, on and off leash regularly for more than an hour at a time. He will burn off a lot of energy and bother you less. Your cockapoo will calm down eventually; although it might take time and effort, you just have to work hard and wait for him to stop getting so excited. So if you are wondering when do cockapoos calm down, don’t worry; they all do in the end. It just takes some time.
Final Thoughts
We hope we have answered your question of “do cockapoos ever calm down”. If you have any comments that would help other cockapoo owners, please leave them in the comments below. If you have enjoyed this article, why not check out my “are cockapoos hyper” article related to this article.
Mike is the proud owner of a 7-year-old Cockapoo named Luna. He loves to share stories, tips and information about owning a Cockapoo. With over7 years of experience as an owner, Mike is passionate about helping others own and care for their dog.
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My five month cockapoo can’t be trusted off the lead. She is easily distracted by a flying leaf or butterfly. The park near us has too many exits and, when I let off the lead she was chased by a pack of dogs and ran across a busy road. I take her to a safe tennis court and let her run around. The lockdown means I haven’t been able to take her to puppy classes. She’s driving me crazy, bouncing on her back legs and pulling on her lead. I am five minutes from rehoming her!! Please help. I have tried a collar and lead and a harness. Should I try a halti. She’s a beautiful girl but her antics wear me out. Will she ever calm down? I am at home with her all day, walk her for an hour twice a day and play with her.
Shes only 5 months old. Shes still young, in a few months time she will calm down.
As above but ours is 8 months, I’ve never owned a dog as crazy in my life ☹️